Saturday, December 04, 2004

mEt uP wItH mY gIrLfRiEnDs


thought i should update a bit bout my little meeting with my cousin~
oH~~ b4 that.. i had a funky haircut! the way the hairstylist style my hair.. haha.. tell u.. even my coUsIn also agree i lOoK nIcE*which is the rarest of RARE eVeNtS* haha.. so i was feeling pretty the whole nite..esp when i'm beSiDe hEr?! hahaha.. oOoO~~ and i had sAkAe for dinNeR too.. mY fav!! eSp.. the steam egg and spIcY sAlMoN handroll.. mY ultimate cOMfOrT fOoD~~ and i HAD My fAv bUbBlE tEa too.. haha.. tt tAsTeD goOd too.. bOuGhT 2 cHeEsEcAkes fOr sUpPeR too:) hApPy mOoD=bIgGeR aPpEtItE..
went over to hEr house to cHiT chat a bit and she taught mi how to dl bLoGsKiNs etc.. hiz.. such an IT idiot still.. anD hEr roOm is stiLl sO 'hUrRiCaNe bLoWn oVeR' sitUaTiOn.. haha.. nah~ a bit 'kua zhang la..' hmm.. rEaLlY gLaD to sEe her yEsT.. maybe tt contributes to my slpless nite..


what a day for me;D met uP with my bunch of girls today i.e AH loy~ sHuHuI *yIng yUan* and cLaRa~~ miss 'em so much.. esp cLArA:) she juz returned frm aUsSiE land.. still the same old her.. ever as pretty:) was so excited over today's meet up that i couldn't slp a *wInK* the whole of last nite~ met them at coffeebean first and i tried the 'ANG-MOH carrot cake for the 1st time.. *yUm yUm* spent the rest of the afternoon walking ard oRcHaRd (eSp mi and ShUhUi~.. haha.. die die also wanna shop for clothes..) e 2 of uS r so sHoPpInG-deprived.. and the rest will just tag along behind.. haha.. pOor gIrLs~
yUpz in the end.. i bought a tank top and a blue floral mInIsKiRt*frm my bElOvEd sHoP i.e. sUrFbAy*..(haha.. aH-hIaO me.. so into skirts now~ dey are juz soo pretty) shu hui bought one too.. and we got a 20% discount for purchase of the 2 skirts..*gRiNz* for DINNER~ clara recommended a RAMEN restaurant(recommended by her well-sourced sis) and we spent quite a bit of time sourcing for tt wElL-HiDdEn away shop.. the appearance dun look gLaM.. but the noodles..(i tElL u.. iT'S damn nIcE!) haha.. soo into jap food nOwAdAyS..ooOOooo
wElL~ den we spent the rEsT of the nite cHattInG away.. aH loy is still so aH loy.. damn 'aH-mA-ish' once she start she'll nvr stop..haha.. and we took qUiTe a no. of pics too.. wait till i learn to post the pics.. den u guys can take a lOoK at oUr pReTty faces.. haha..
hmMmMm~~ i'm jUz soo hapPy today.. touched to see all those fArmIlIaR faces.. the feElInG is kInDa overwhelming.. haha.. was smiling on the way back hall.. i shall smile in mY dReAmS tOo...

*JiN* slept soundly at 1:44 AM

What Else do you wanna Know?

~*JiN*~/XiaoBai (La Bi XiaoXin's Dog)
Scatter Brain/ Sweet Toother/ Blur Cock/ Money Spender (I'll make the worst Financial Consultant)/ VainPot but a LAZY ONE=)/*a TYPICAL VIRGROAN*
Sch Of Business - NO MORE
ENJOYS laughing hysterically (gd ABS trainer!)/LOVEs SNACKING/LOVES CLOTHES/ LOVES Travelling
Likes: mE, Me aNd MySeLf.. My Little Boy=) My Family and GirlFriends=)


moi FIRST bLoG eNtRy


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