Monday, August 28, 2006

My Wish List=)

Like everyone who has a blog.. I shall post up my Birthday Wish List here.. (tt's what Blogs are for right?!) hahaaa... but i still agree that it's a kinda rude thing to do.. (It's juz not polite to ask for stuff outrightly but well.. it saves the trouble of people asking and me juz blushing and say:"Welllll... it's the thought that counts actually.. juz a card will do..." WHICH ISN"T really sooooo! hahahaa!!! maybe a diamond studded card la huh..)
anyway.. my little WISH LIST (not in preference order):
(maybe i should type this under the stars=P)
1. Baby G white square faced watch
2. Nike Merge series watch (Preferably Attract/Lift)
3. White Leather square faced wtach (sorry! I love watches..)
4. A nice Schoolbag (Not too big tho~ cos' I'm small=p but must be big enuf to put my pencil case la..)
5. Kitten heels/ Wedges/Sneakers (Size 5)
6. Shopping Vouchers!!!
7. "The Devil Wears Prada" novel
8. Nice Jackets/Pull overs (size SMALL and preferably white/brown/light colors except pink)
9. Silver Necklace.. (I noe it sounds cheezy.. but I dun mind one with a lock and key~)
10. Wallet
and..... What preferably not to buy...
1. Flowers (They will just go into the bin after they wilt cos my superstitious mum dun like dried flowers in the house.. haha.. dun ask me y..)
2. Food (I prefer cards instead cos' there's a sentimental value attached)
3. Soft Toys (haha.. I'm 21.. and I dun wanna end them up in some orphanage)
4. Electrical stuff (except maybe a small fridge? for the luxury of my room.. haha)
5. Cosmetics (Cos i dunno how to deal with them)
6. Undergarments (I have alooooot!!! Thanks to Victoria Secret from my US trip.. hahaaaa)
7. Spa/Manicure Vouchers
8. Perfumes
Yup.. That's about it.. Haha..I know most of the Items in my Wish List belongs to the $$$$ category.. but ABSOLUTELY no pressure=) cos' I'm not tt hard a person to please.. I still love receiving cards or little handmade gifts (I'm not thinking otherwise inside my brain ok?! hahaa..) or simple e-cards from those faraway friends=)
Anyway.. wont be having a big celebration cos it's too much a Hassle to organize a party.. Just a simple dinner with my friends and family=) Actually?! What are the Perks of attaining the Independence Age? I dun drink/smoke/club... weeellllll.. maybe R(A)*winks*

*JiN* slept soundly at 12:01 AM

Monday, August 21, 2006

Washington D.C.

It's been a few days since I came back.. have been jetlagging for the past few days.. Sleeping at weird timings (i.e. 6 p.m.) and waking up at times like 6 a.m. My body clock is finally adjusting to normal now.. It's School term now again!! and to THINK tt I actually forgot to bid for modules when I was enjoying myself in USA.. now I'll constantly emailing my school dean to beg for my core modules.. Sometimes I hope I dun be soooo Blur... Now I am only allocated 4 modules and 1 is still in the appeal process.. Hope I will be able to get tt, otherwise it'll be an overload semester for me next sem.. Anyway.. I'm starting to miss US.. miss the late nights roaming and taking the subways and trains all by ourselves.. roaming the cities with nothing but maps and eating takeaways @ our hopstel's courtyard under the sky and having girls' talk late at night...
Shall PhotoBlog about my Washington D.C Trip today=D It's damn happening when I went over to D.C cos the day before is the attempted Bomb Scare from U.K and when we visited The White Houseon tt Saturday, there were many protesters rallying outside and I've got a real life experience of seeing protesters shouting on the streets and chanting "No War!! Let there be Peace...." and tt day Bush was INSIDE the White House!!! tho' I din managed to catch a glimpse of Him.. It was damn exciting! and It was the first time we lunched on the grass and there are squirrels running about... Shall let the photos do the the works=)
On the Way to D.C.
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Supper in D.C.
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Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice-Cream.. We shared a New York Cheesecake as well and It was damn cheesy.. Super Nice!!!!! and the cakes there cost like SGD$11 per slice!!! but It was damn worth it!
The House we stayed in=)
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The House is BIG and we had it all to ourselves (Me, Kaiting and Paulina...) It was REAL FUN for the 3 of us.. We just slacked around doing nothing and watched TV at night cos D.C is pretty much a Dead Town after 6 p.m. I really missed the night where we just sat down and talk bout our family life and packing our stuff and eating supper together=)
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My First Taste of Baileys.. Yucks...
The Next Morning
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Doesn't the houses look like some building from WitchCraft? U shld see how the branches cast their shadows on the walls @ night... hahaaaa..
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The 3 Of Us (Paulina, Me and KT)
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Our Station..
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Great Sunny Day! (Scorching @ 35 degree Celcius..)/ One of the many-bricked-buildings.. A very English feel...
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Kaiting and Me=D
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Security was pretty tight tt day.. so I could only capture WHITE HOUSE from afar..
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See the Throng of Protesters behind US???? It was such a commotion!
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and we saw this group of Islamic people chanting and praying in the middle of a huge Grass Patch.. They were protesting against war...
And This is WHAT I call SLACKING @ WORK... the cops dun seem to bother bout the commotion... SideTrack: and the stupid horses licked my face.. Ewwwww...
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I LOVE this pic.... soooooooooo ADORABLE!
While we were munching on our Hotdogs on the Grass..
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The Squirrels are so friendly in US.. We gave him abit of our bread=D and they are also bigger in size as compared to those back home..
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*Washington Monument*
It looks Magnificent against the Clear BLUE SKY.. It was a Cloudless day and the sky looked beautiful~ This Monument is Super Tall!!
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World War II Memorial
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The Mystic River..
Each Pillar represents a state of America.. The whole place is HUGEEEEeee
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View from Below..
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The Licoln Memorial from across the River... Beautiful...
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Nice Pic=)
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There were many ducks waddling around.. The water's soo Clear tt u can see their webbed feet=)
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On the Way to Museums/ The interior of The Holocast Museum..
I was really awed by the Holocast Museum.. It displayed how Jews suffered under the Reign of Hitler and It was exhibited over 4 storeys.. It was such an emotional walk for me.. We spent so much time in this place tt we dun have time to roam other museums.. I really cannot find any words to describe how fantastic is the layout.. A pity No pictures allowed...
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Being Arty-Farty=)
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*Castle Like Building*
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The Capitol view on our way back home..
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Stopped by the Fea Market near our place to pack some dinner=)
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Our Dinner=) Cheesy Marcoroni/ Roasted Chicken Salad/ Italian Potato Salad/ Bean Salad/ Mixed Pasta Salad/ Cookies, Cola and Tons of Fruits!
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Freezing at 16 Degrees @ nite! The wind was quite strong..
Last But Not Least...
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We LOVE Washington!
*Wearing Similar Shirts @ 3 for US$10!*

*JiN* slept soundly at 10:09 AM

What Else do you wanna Know?

~*JiN*~/XiaoBai (La Bi XiaoXin's Dog)
Scatter Brain/ Sweet Toother/ Blur Cock/ Money Spender (I'll make the worst Financial Consultant)/ VainPot but a LAZY ONE=)/*a TYPICAL VIRGROAN*
Sch Of Business - NO MORE
ENJOYS laughing hysterically (gd ABS trainer!)/LOVEs SNACKING/LOVES CLOTHES/ LOVES Travelling
Likes: mE, Me aNd MySeLf.. My Little Boy=) My Family and GirlFriends=)


Class of Year 2007
Working Life ain't boring=)
Happy Mother's Day!
i LOVE my family=_
Scallop Scallop
Xin Nian Kuai Le!


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