Saturday, June 04, 2005

my SiMple but happy LiFe

i did well for my exams=D *cOnGrAtS*CoNgRaTs* wooHOo~ @ least my hard work pays off.. OkAy~ my results are not tt FANTASTIC.. but compared to my last sem (cap 3.1).. i'm really satisfied:) hMm.. i'm an easily satisfied person.. it may be a blessing or it may be a downfall for mi.. haha..
1. i dont crave for BIG success in life.. like making my first $Million$ before age 25 (alright maybe before i reach 50? haha~)
2. i'm contented with a comfortable life with enough to spend for food, neccesities and yup.. to satisfy my shopping cravings:) and the rest?! to my little bank.. *always saves for rainy days*
3. i dun yearn to marry a millionaire/banker/doctor or what-so-ever and to live the life of a tai-tai playing MAHJONG (i'm still struggling to recognise the chinese characters:( and did i mention tt i'll get startled by the oh-so-sudden *PONG* haha..), shopping for labels( i rather donate them to charity.. *SERIOUS*) and counting money *kA-ChInG*KaChIng*
4. i dun desire to live in a big house guarded by big fierce and black dogs.. i'll die cleaning up the place (i dun like e idea of hiring maids.. it's human torture and i dun like sTrAngErS staying with me..)
5. I DUN MIND a nice little condo unit though.. with my little ugly BUT simply IRRESISITIBLY CUTE french bulldog or even little frogs jumping ard in man-made pond in my balcony*so long as they dun jump too high and fall to their death* hehe.. (i can foresee Les's face scrunching in disgust and praying tt he'll not be the co-owner of the hse) too bad~ i juz dun like his fishes and he hates bulldogs *hUmPh*
6. i feel blessed to have all my loved ones ard me.. showering mi with love and concern
7. i feel blessed to be greeted by sunshine when i wake up every morning
8. i'm happy to be alive and blessed with a healthy body and be able to enjoy the great things in life
9. Achievements to me = Baking a nice cake, cooking an edible meal, doing well for my studies, making my friends and family smile;D
10. a simple "THANK YOU" for the things i've done for my loved ones is more than enough to warm my HEART:)
See~ i'm really a simple little girl @ heart.. but tt does not mean tt i do not dare to dream or lacked of confidence.. i do have my own ambitions and desires.. but i've learnt to count my blessings and be contented with what GOD has given us.. Alright~ tt's all for now.. I"M running REAL LATE for work..

*JiN* slept soundly at 10:59 AM

What Else do you wanna Know?

~*JiN*~/XiaoBai (La Bi XiaoXin's Dog)
Scatter Brain/ Sweet Toother/ Blur Cock/ Money Spender (I'll make the worst Financial Consultant)/ VainPot but a LAZY ONE=)/*a TYPICAL VIRGROAN*
Sch Of Business - NO MORE
ENJOYS laughing hysterically (gd ABS trainer!)/LOVEs SNACKING/LOVES CLOTHES/ LOVES Travelling
Likes: mE, Me aNd MySeLf.. My Little Boy=) My Family and GirlFriends=)


my thoughts..
my OFF dAy..
Personality Test:)
Jin's SiCk~
Working experience
House Of Wax
i'm ONLINE again!!! FINALLY
Selfish ppl
meet up with zhi
Les's bIrThDay


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January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
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April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
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+Ying Ying+
+Zhi Zhi+

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