Wednesday, September 14, 2005

i FEEL like a LADY today:):)

Shuhui came to crash my Lectures today:):) She may wanna apply for Uni next year so i asked her to crash my Uni to get a feel of how life in Uni feels like (and @ e same time.. try to entertain me during my lecture also=p) As usual, we were late for our 1st Lecture i.e.Programming LECT(yes! my most hated one!) haha.. she finally gets a feel of how torturing e lecture is.. totally catch no balls.. LUCKY i got KT as my interpreter;p i dun even have time to talk with her during my IT lect and i could tell from her expression that she's VERY bored(she kept asking me will e lect end soon?).. haha.. and worse still the lecture ended late! *she must be cursing inside..but I'm cursing inside also.. cos i dunno what's the lecturer talking about!
After that we rush down for my General Biology Lecture at science faculty and it's another 2-hr long Lecture..(she had to buy chocs to kill time) haha.. but this time not so bad la.. cos i was gossiping with her throughout the whole lect..(KT was helping me to take down notes=P i tink i really owe KT alot! haha..) SH left soon after the lecture cos i still have to attend a lab session so couldn't accompany her to the bus-stop..(what a bad host.. but @ least i treated her to an egg toast.. haha)
Today my lessons all back-to-back from 12 to 5.. a bit shagged after school and me n KT had a LoOong walk to e 197 bus-stop.. (cos' i wanna go Parkway) The journey was damn freaking Long also.. i almost fell asleep during the journey.. I went parkway to grab Shampoo and Conditioner (come to tink of it now.. i tink i'm very DUMB! cos i can easily get 'em from my hse downstairs! arg.. why i so stupid?!) so since i'm there, i might as well make my trip worthwhile so i also replenish my printer's ink and other neccesities..
aNYWAY, i MUST BE the laziest GIRL among all my girlfriends.. haha!! cos' all this while i've been using shower gel to shampoo my hair coz i'm simply too lazy to reach out for another cleansing gel not to mention conditioner..( well, so long as i dun stink, no one's complaining right?!) but prolonged usage seems to have undesirable effects on my hair.. haha they r sooOo dry tt when i tie them up in a pony tail, it's able to fight GRAVITY and stay perpendicular to my head (*a short and straight ponytail looks CUTE but.. a LONG and Upright one somehow just looks weird.. so nowadays i have to bun my hair up instead..) HEY! but i'm willing to amend my mistake.. TODAY i bought myself a bottle of shampoo + a bottle of INTENSIVE HAIR TREATMENT conditioner (*i want results FAST=p).. In addition, i also bought facial mask and INTENSIVE eye cream.. woo hoo~~ and i spent almost an hour bathing today!! (*kinda exhausting) hahaha.. I haben done facial for e past 2 years.. it feels so DAMN shiok!!! hope it can zapp my zits fast(*have been quite stressed out lately) now my face feels damn clean and hydrated:):) Hope i've the motivation to do this weekly.. Hiaz.. it's COSTLY and TROUBLESOME being a girl...
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"Doing Magic to MYSELF=D"
Tink i should consider teeth whitening too! or Juz simply Don't buy white Facial Mask.. haha!

*JiN* slept soundly at 10:06 PM

What Else do you wanna Know?

~*JiN*~/XiaoBai (La Bi XiaoXin's Dog)
Scatter Brain/ Sweet Toother/ Blur Cock/ Money Spender (I'll make the worst Financial Consultant)/ VainPot but a LAZY ONE=)/*a TYPICAL VIRGROAN*
Sch Of Business - NO MORE
ENJOYS laughing hysterically (gd ABS trainer!)/LOVEs SNACKING/LOVES CLOTHES/ LOVES Travelling
Likes: mE, Me aNd MySeLf.. My Little Boy=) My Family and GirlFriends=)


BINGE-ing time~~
i HATE Programming!!!
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Union Ball 2005
Movie Reviews
I've finally recovered (:
Guess who's back?
Jam 'n' Hop
'The Undomestic Goddess'


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