Monday, December 26, 2005

We are ONE n counting...

It's 26th DECEMBER again.. Twelve Months since YOU first HELD my hands.. it's was such a MAGICAL moment and it still is whenever you hold my hands... HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SWEETHEART:)
Today was a WONDERFUL day for me.. even though it was just so SIMPLE:) It's because I've You beside Me... Thanks for the lovely SURPRISE You've given me.. I knew you have put in great effort with the help from my mum (AGAIN) hahaha!!! I'm sooooo SoRRY i cldn't give you your PRESENT in TIME (I'm really too tied up for the past 2 weeks..) but looking @ yours.. I've decided to modify mine=P
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I bought a Birthday cake for a mini celebration when the clock strikes 12 midnight:) **Mango Cake** Your Fav. This time.. It looks pretty:)
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*** The cake with the candle and BIRTHDAY TAG ***
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BEFORE LUNCH: He bought me a CHIP and DALE 1000pc puzzle.. The board behind is a Self-Made frame for the puzzle with our photos taken in each respective month.. Nice HANDWRITING! I din noe you can be so CREATIVE.. I've met my match...
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AFTER LUNCH: The Challenge Begins..... FIRST we sort out all the corner pieces so that we can work our way inwards.. and SORTING those tiny pieces among a mountain of similar ones is simply not a laughing matter... We overlooked some corner pieces and have to keep filtering the mountain of pieces over n over again...
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One hour after LUNCH.. YAY! we've got the FRAME done..... but it's far from completion~
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While Les was busy sorting out other pieces... I PIECED TOGETHER the pair of LADY BUGS!! so lovey-dovely:):)
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... and DALE'S RED NOSE too!
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2h30min later... I can see their faces.. wooHoo~~
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I'm so NAIVE! thought we can finish today... haha.. but no choice we've to leave it undone in order to catch the 6.40p.m. show.. but NICE EH! It's the biggest jigsaw i've attempted soo far:):) Shall post the picture up once it's DONE!
He compiled another video clip for me.. I've yet to watch (not cos' I've no time.. but i cant bear to watch it now)
yup~ anyway.. we went to watch The Chronicals Of Narnia.. It's a NICE SHOW!!! (tho~ i still prefer King Kong) but it'll be nicer if the witch dun die that fast.. haha.. (the war could have been longer) The creatures are fascinating!! and there are lovely sceneries inside~~ I really enjoyed the show.. the little girl's acting is AWESOME! Hmm.. after the show.. I headed back home cos' Les got a night meeting..(I noe you are feeling guilty for not being able to spend the night with me.. but I'm really more than happy to spend so much time with you today.. THANKS for making my day=D)
and a little message for YOU:
Thanks for all the Wonderful Memories You've given me for the past 12 months.. Life is just not the same anymore.. There may be Ups and Downs in our relatioship.. but thinking back.. those memories never fails to warm my heart.. You've shown me the MAGIC of LOVE..
I never knew I have so much care and concern for someone
I never knew I can be so Unselfish towards someone
I never knew I can be so Generous when it comes to giving (so long as it makes your day)
I never knew I can do silly things like simply going all the way to school to buy you lunch and go back home.. (not cos' I've nothing better to do.. cos' I dun wanna you to eat alone)
I never knew I can actually cook up a DECENT meal (so that you can enjoy some home-cooked food)
I never knew i can actually do housework QUITE WELL
I never knew i can be such a worrier when it comes to your SAFETY
I never knew that I actually inherited my MUM's "naggy-ness" (simply becos' guys REALLY dun LISTEN @ TIMES...)
I never knew I've so MUCH TEMPER with me when SOMEONE dun listen.. (Tho' I'm guilty of being unreasonable @ times..)
I never knew I can be soo mushy (like now..) when it comes to YOU.. and the LIST goes on...
I know that our Relationship is a RARE GIFT that brings me an EXTRAORDINARY Happiness..ONCE AGAIN.. Happy 1 YEAR Anniversay.. Hope I'll be spending the 26th DECEMBER of every year with YOU
"Love is not about looking at each other..It's about looking in the same direction"

*JiN* slept soundly at 10:11 PM

What Else do you wanna Know?

~*JiN*~/XiaoBai (La Bi XiaoXin's Dog)
Scatter Brain/ Sweet Toother/ Blur Cock/ Money Spender (I'll make the worst Financial Consultant)/ VainPot but a LAZY ONE=)/*a TYPICAL VIRGROAN*
Sch Of Business - NO MORE
ENJOYS laughing hysterically (gd ABS trainer!)/LOVEs SNACKING/LOVES CLOTHES/ LOVES Travelling
Likes: mE, Me aNd MySeLf.. My Little Boy=) My Family and GirlFriends=)


Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!
Cocao Trees AgAiN~
Yes La!!


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