Thursday, July 06, 2006

5 Biggest Pet Peeves

After a 2 weeks break from Fiday Fives=D Topic for this week.......................... Was kinda busy the last 2 weekends=P
5 Biggest Pet Peeves!!!
1. Late Comers
Though I'm guilty of being late @ times.. but I simply cant stand late-comers ESP>> Perpetual Late-Comers, those who purposely arrive late cos they expect others to be late as well and they feel that their time is too precious to be spent on people-gazing.. Hello?! It's them we are waiting for actually! Inconsiderate, Selfish and totally irresponsible.. There are also those who plan their preparation time w/o taking into acct waiting time for bus/trains and travelling time... If you tink U need 2 hours just to perfect that wake-up look.. Wake Up Early!!!
2. Untidy People
I am a True Blue Virgoan.. No problems with Short-Term untidiness.. but generally I want everything within my scope to be spick and span.. I am tt kind who cant tolerate a book jutting out slightly in a stack=P When I was still staying in a hostel.. my table looked hurricane-blown during daytime (Due to FRUSTRATION laaa) but I made sure everything is neatly packed before I went to sleep=)
(All stationery in pen holders CHECKED, Printing papers in cupboard CHECKED, Food wrappers thrown in dustbin outside CHECKED, all bowls and mugs washed CHECKED, Homework filed in respective files CHECKED, Table free of markings CHECKED, Chair pushed all the way into the table CHECKED… …)
3. Dragging of tables/chairs against the floor (ESP. those w/o rubber covers at the feet)
I hate the sound of metal scratching against the floor.. It never fails to give me Chicken Skin (Goosebumps.. Lots of THEM) and also scratching your nails on metal surfaces.. If there’s any tactic to make me surrender.. THIS IS IT!!! I totally hate it… so dun try=)
4. Vulgarities #$%#@!#@$#
I can proudly say that I have not cursed more than 5 times in my entire life so far.. and absolutely no HOKKIEN vulgarities.. They just put me off.. No proper UPBRINGING, No MANNERS, RUDE, LOW-CLASS, AGGRESSIVE, UNCOUTH……….and the list goes on… It is even more degrading for GIRLS to SPEW such language.. WORSE if they are doing a popeye.. (Cigarette in mouth) Makes me feel like stuffing spinach up their nostrils.. (hahaaa.. I’m getting irrelevant here)
5. People who JUST stare and not lend a helping hand
I despise those who can just stare and not bother to lift a finger when something happens.. Hello?! U are not staring at a TV watching those happenings.. Obviously It doesn’t hurt to help lift up someone who fell down/ Call an ambulance or police when the situation is beyond your ability to help/Simply lift up your butt for those elderly or pregnant ladies on buses…….. Our society needs more LOVE *shakes head*

*JiN* slept soundly at 6:28 PM

What Else do you wanna Know?

~*JiN*~/XiaoBai (La Bi XiaoXin's Dog)
Scatter Brain/ Sweet Toother/ Blur Cock/ Money Spender (I'll make the worst Financial Consultant)/ VainPot but a LAZY ONE=)/*a TYPICAL VIRGROAN*
Sch Of Business - NO MORE
ENJOYS laughing hysterically (gd ABS trainer!)/LOVEs SNACKING/LOVES CLOTHES/ LOVES Travelling
Likes: mE, Me aNd MySeLf.. My Little Boy=) My Family and GirlFriends=)


Girls' Day In=D
Spent a BOMB!
Happy Birthday KT!
Silly Me=P
Feeling Stuffed..
5 Careers I Really (Honestly Really) Wanna Have
Cousin Outing=)
5 Most Influential Songs
Topic for this week


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