Thursday, September 15, 2005

i sAvEd my CACTUS

Was walking to the toilet this morning when i suddenly caught sight of my dying pet cactus=( i juz dun have green hands la!! It's very tiny (actually it's quite popular now.. it can act as a handphone chain or keychain) and it's fairly easy to maintain.. juz immersed the small bottle into water for 2~3 min every 7 days and placed 'em in a sunny area:)
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My cactus is supposed to represent "Happiness" but it doesn't look very happy.. haha!! it looks a bit "kiau Gu" /translation= hunchback.. i tink it feels suffocated being ENCLOSED in such a small area.. so i tried to force open the top case.. and
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Hmm.. it still looks Hunched.. but give it a few more days:) and i juz watered it today too! it should be fine:)
Actually, while i was watering the plant.. i was thinking about myself.. i tink i'm very much similar to this little cactus.. we both look small and vulnerable but looks can be deceiving..The cactus dun demand alot of attention.. In fact when i over-water it, it'll just wither away.. Give it a little breathing space and it'll grow strong and healthy..Likewise for me, i may seem to be very dependent..(to a certain extent, i'm!) but i need space and time to myself from time to time.. I may look like i need protection(Most girls want to feel secure.. incl. me) but pls dun overdo it.. I admit that i'm a little self-centred @ times.. i Dunno why also.. maybe it's the way i'm being brought up (i'm being taken care of by my gRaMpS all the way till sec) so i'm being raised like an ONLY child where the world used to revolve ard me only.. I also tend to do things the way i like and i dun like to be restricted..( i noe this can be a bit selfish @ times cos i tend to overlook the consequences..) I've been reflecting on myself for the past few days.. I do have flaws.. i admit~ but EVERYONE DOES right?
"In science as in love, too much concentration on technique can often lead to impotence."-- P.L. Berger

*JiN* slept soundly at 5:10 PM

What Else do you wanna Know?

~*JiN*~/XiaoBai (La Bi XiaoXin's Dog)
Scatter Brain/ Sweet Toother/ Blur Cock/ Money Spender (I'll make the worst Financial Consultant)/ VainPot but a LAZY ONE=)/*a TYPICAL VIRGROAN*
Sch Of Business - NO MORE
ENJOYS laughing hysterically (gd ABS trainer!)/LOVEs SNACKING/LOVES CLOTHES/ LOVES Travelling
Likes: mE, Me aNd MySeLf.. My Little Boy=) My Family and GirlFriends=)


i FEEL like a LADY today:):)
BINGE-ing time~~
i HATE Programming!!!
My Cooking Experience:)
it's MY bIrThDaY!!
Union Ball 2005
Movie Reviews
I've finally recovered (:
Guess who's back?
Jam 'n' Hop


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