Saturday, September 24, 2005

i hate this week..

juz came back from my Management Science Mid-term paper.. what a screwed SCREWED screwed up paper! (and it's on a SaTuRdAy! wasting my time) alright.. i admit.. i only spent like yesterday studying for this test.. BUT!! even if i study hard for this test.. i'll still be clueless.. First of all.. the tutor sucks! He din even bother to upload the tutorial solutions so those questions that i duno how to do during tut (which is like 7 out of 10 qn) i still dunno how to solve them now! Plus.. the tutor speaks with an irritating aCcEnt! The stupid textbook does not even provide the relevant solutions also.. Secondly, some of the solution deals with excel Solver (and up till now.. i still have not even dl the software cos i couldn't find it).. Thirdly, the questions really very chim.. dun resemble anything like my tut questions.. which is really super demoralising! and this midterm accounts for 35% of the whole module.. DaMn It!! aiya.. but since it's over.. it's over.. i mean no point crying over spilled milk right? in fact, i'm actually feeling quite ReLiEvEd now.. guess the impact will only set in after i get back my grades.. hiz.. to tink that my IT module is the only sucky one.. argh~~ my modules this sem really very boOoRiNg.. (except maybe General Biology;>)
HuMpH~ my whole mid-term break (which has ended this thursday) was totally burnt studying @ home.. a major part of my time was spent in front of my computer vexing over my IT assignment.. The assignment so freaking CHIM la~ i tried so many times until i totally give up! i even break down and cry @ one point of time.. i was soooooo frustrated and angry.. i dunno what the h*** the question wants.. how can anyone be interested in IT stuff.. i dunno la.. maybe it's juz me.. anyway.. since the deadline is postponed to a week later.. i'm going to chuck this dIsGuStInG assignment aside first.. and concentrate on my other stuff..
1. Another Midterm next Tues..
2. Yet another Midterm next next Monday
3. Operations Management group project
4. APB Group Project
5. 2 indiv assignments
6. a vegetable farm to visit tml (Yes!! my Sunday is also burnt!!)
7. and 3 tutorials to complete for next week.............................
ArGh~~~ and my weekend is already burnt.. my brain is soo dead now.. i dun tink i can absorb anything later.. i've got SO much work.. i juz feel like sleeping and juz dont do anythng.. i'm super NO LIFE now.. i wanna catch a show(in fact MaNy shows~) .. i wanna SHOP!.. i wanna read a book.. i wanna cycle/jog.. i wanna do anything and everything except Sch Stuff right now.. (*i'm going to Mass Skip my lectures next week..............) Muahaha~~ tt's the only tot that cheers me up a lil'

*JiN* slept soundly at 4:04 PM

What Else do you wanna Know?

~*JiN*~/XiaoBai (La Bi XiaoXin's Dog)
Scatter Brain/ Sweet Toother/ Blur Cock/ Money Spender (I'll make the worst Financial Consultant)/ VainPot but a LAZY ONE=)/*a TYPICAL VIRGROAN*
Sch Of Business - NO MORE
ENJOYS laughing hysterically (gd ABS trainer!)/LOVEs SNACKING/LOVES CLOTHES/ LOVES Travelling
Likes: mE, Me aNd MySeLf.. My Little Boy=) My Family and GirlFriends=)


Happy Mooncake Festival
i sAvEd my CACTUS
i FEEL like a LADY today:):)
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it's MY bIrThDaY!!
Union Ball 2005
Movie Reviews
I've finally recovered (:


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