Thursday, January 12, 2006


soo.. Today is the deadline of the acceptance of the offer.. (I managed to call the co'ordinator and bluff her saying that my parents not in town so need more time to consider=p) I'm attending a Singapore Pre-departure briefing at Orchard Hotel organized vy the ANU co'ordinator.. It's at 4.30 p.m till 6.. and I've lessons today from 1 to 6.. guess I've to skip the later lesson for today again!!! haha!!! In fact School started last Saturday for me cos they bring forward the lessons that are conducted on Hari Raya Haji.. BUT GUESS WAT?! I have yet to attend a SINGLE Lecture... hahahah... BLAME THE WEATHER!!!!!! but I must drag myself to school today cos it's a tutorial today and attendance will be taken.. HIZ... It has been raining and RAINING AND raining NON-STOP since last Saturday... what's happening?! i remembered last year's rainy season wasn't this BAD.. It literally din stop raining for the past 5 days!!! The weather just alternates between Drizzle, Rain, Downpour and Heavy Downpour.. and it's HEAVY DOWNPOUR now.. argh... i dun wanna get drenched...
Anyway.. Yup.. Back to SEP again.. Thanks for all the advice Peeps! I've discussed with quite a no. of ppl bout this liao.. but i still hope to get the approval from my mum.. after discussing and persuading her for the past few days... i REALISED my MUM is a CLASSIC!!! hahha.. she tried all ways of Dissuading me.. LITERALLY ALL WAYS>> SOoo Yesterday, she was telling me that this coming Chinese Zodiac Year is the Year of the DOG.. and she heard from frens and geomacists that this coming "Dog Year" will be an inauspicious one.. she was telling me over the phone that.. since there r soo many spieces of DOGS. a bad year may indicate the YEAR of the WEREWOLF (I tot that's a wolf?!) and werewolves are canivorous and stuff lidat.. HAhaaaa.. I burst out laughing and replied "Oh issssit??" Realising that i'm not taking her seriously, she started citing examples such as those Bali Bombings and stuff lidat to tell me that Islamic ppl are very against Australians and Australia will be targeted next.. MOST PROBABLY in the Year of the WEREWOLF... haha.. i can sense my mum is getting DESPERATE..
HIAZ... I'm dragging her along to the seminar this evening.. and i've thought about it.. NO DOUBT this is a very good opportunity for me.. but if my mum is still very strongly against the idea of me leaving.. I guessed i still have to OBLIGE cos she's my mother after all.. I dun wish to quarrel with her over this thing.. (she said it's her responsibility to look after me.. the responsibilty will only end after i get married..) WHAT THE?! den i will be tied down by my own family after tat isn't it?! den when will i EVER GET MY FREEDOM!! OMG!!! me and my OVER-protective MUM...

*JiN* slept soundly at 11:13 AM

What Else do you wanna Know?

~*JiN*~/XiaoBai (La Bi XiaoXin's Dog)
Scatter Brain/ Sweet Toother/ Blur Cock/ Money Spender (I'll make the worst Financial Consultant)/ VainPot but a LAZY ONE=)/*a TYPICAL VIRGROAN*
Sch Of Business - NO MORE
ENJOYS laughing hysterically (gd ABS trainer!)/LOVEs SNACKING/LOVES CLOTHES/ LOVES Travelling
Likes: mE, Me aNd MySeLf.. My Little Boy=) My Family and GirlFriends=)


Decisions Decisions
~!!!~JB Trip~!!!~
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We are ONE n counting...
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!


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