Friday, February 03, 2006

outdated NEW YEAR Post..

I've been wanting to BLOG like since New Year's Eve??? hahaaa.. super busy this past week.. and SOOOOOOOO FAST!!!!! My FaVoRiTe Festive season of the Year is going to be over soon!!!! I loved celebrating CNY since i was a kid.. cos it's a time when everyone gathers together and eat and chat... and it's a time when i collect Red Packets.. and it's the only time that i GAMBLE:):):) Actually the only fun part of New Year is on the Eve and the 1st day..(For Me Laaa) although Chinese celebrate 15 days for the lunar New Year.. But this year is not that bad for me:):) cos i was kept busy for the first 3 days.. moving from house to house:):) and this year all the Mahjong sessions all held @ my house:):) so all my maternal cousins and families come and cramp my tiny house.. super cramp laa... but it was soooo RE NAO!! i like... hahaaa... but the only Sad Thing is that i DUNNO how to play Mahjong!!!! IMAGINE Staying up till 4 a.m. sitting beside my mum and watching her play... i prefer to play cards.. lidat can Include more ppl... In the end AH!! i became the Chamber maid.. Helped to serve drinks, prepare desserts, cut cakes...... but i can also proudly says that i've since picked up a skill or 2 after watching the games for 3 days straight.. hohooo.. now I've got the mahjong table and the set lying in my Living Room:):) Maybe can rope in the girls to play when they come my house for house visiting this Sunday.. Ooo.. I'm kinda looking fwd to meeting e 7 of them this Sunday... haaha.. we'll be moving from house to house! Guess it's gonna be FuN:):) but one thing is tt.. we'll be taking Public Transport and not all the houses are along the way.. the travelling part is a bit the sianzzzz.. YUP.. anyway back to Mahjong!! now my mum is super ADDICTED to the game.. she just picked it up this year (Thanks to the influence of Les~) now she kept pestering the both of Us and my sis to play... hahaaa..she cant bear to return the Mahjong Table to my Uncle (Zhi's dad).. I must get rid of it once the 15 days is over if not my GRADES gonna suffer!! hahaaa..
As for Now... SOME CNY PICS:):):)
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On the Eve with my SiS~~ *I know we dun look alike.. In fact when i go house visiting.. everyone was laughing @ me.. They were like " Aiyo... how come u sooo San Po?! even smaller size than your sis???" and i really REALLY Hate it when everyone goes " tsk tsk.. y u so skinny?? never eat ah? blah blah blah....."
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I'm so PROUD of my RED HEELS!
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with another MAHJONG ADDICT i.e. my beloved cousin..
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With Mahjong Addict No. 1 i.e. my MUM =p and my Gramps!!!
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Cousins *also my childhood playmates* Those were the days....... now We are all grown up and DEMURE;)
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With Jen the little VainPot:0)
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Went House Visting with Les Friends too:):) hahaaa.. and playing cards with them was soo SO FUN! and i won 15 bucks too!! *Cheap Thrill*
Hmm.. din take alot of photos this year.. too busy snacking and chatting..and I'm super SICK of PINEAPPLE TARTS and Bak Kwa now.. talking about Bak Kwa.. guess nowadays everyone is too PRO-"Healthly Lifestyle" liaoo.. even the Bwa Kwa now taste sooo DrrRRy!! all the retailers using Lean Meat instead.. Aiyo.. the Meat shld be Fattier the Beta mah!!! more JUICY.. anyway New year is only Once a year.. must spoil ourselves @ times RIGHT?! anyway~~ shall end my post here.. Gonna upload more photos soon:):) Last but not Least..
Happy New Year to all!!! GONG XI FA CAI:)

*JiN* slept soundly at 11:09 PM

What Else do you wanna Know?

~*JiN*~/XiaoBai (La Bi XiaoXin's Dog)
Scatter Brain/ Sweet Toother/ Blur Cock/ Money Spender (I'll make the worst Financial Consultant)/ VainPot but a LAZY ONE=)/*a TYPICAL VIRGROAN*
Sch Of Business - NO MORE
ENJOYS laughing hysterically (gd ABS trainer!)/LOVEs SNACKING/LOVES CLOTHES/ LOVES Travelling
Likes: mE, Me aNd MySeLf.. My Little Boy=) My Family and GirlFriends=)


Baking Attempt NO.3
DONE with my NEW Year Shopping!!
Good Hair Day:)
Decisions Decisions
~!!!~JB Trip~!!!~


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+Zhi Zhi+

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