Sunday, June 04, 2006

Da Vinci Code

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Met up with my long-time-no-see fren, Haiping today.. He just came back from a holiday in the States.. He's supposed to give me some travelling tips today and show me his pics( He took damn alot of PICS!!! 3 1GB memory cards worth of pics.. BUT it's all bout sunset, sunrise, deserts, Grand Canyon i.e. rocks..... hardly see any pics of human... hahaaa.. tt's the diff between guys and girls.. Girls will always take alot of pics of themselves tog with the sceneries.. more narcissisitc! agree???) anyway~ He managed to fly SQ for just S$1600!!! damn good deal... and when he heard that I'm taking Thai Airways.. he kept asking me to bring medicated oil and kept shaking his head.. foul mouth..10-years-never-change~ Ohhh.. and he took the same flight as XiaXue also... damn qiao~ and he mentioned that she's damn short.. den I asked how short... and he replied:"a bit taller than HuiYi" hahaaaa.... Poor Ah Loy... she's not even taller than "damn short" standard.. but nvm laaa.. petite cuter=D *really*
anyway.. I ended up listening to his adventures instead of him providing me some useful travelling tips.. He kept asking me to go to the The Factory Outlet in the states cos the deals are damn GOOD!!! original branded goods are heavily discounted due to minor defects.. and he claimed that the one @ California are 10X the size of Tampines Mall... WAaaaaa... I'm really very tempted but den again.. I tink I have to shop @ the Kids Dept.. hahaaaa.. After Lunch I suggested Shopping since I haben really shop since the start of GSS.. and he's damn damn good!!!! helped me carry handbag when I go changing rooms and waiting paitiently for me while I entered every shop.. I felt kinda guilty but he kept asking me to take my time... hahaa.. Mr. Nice Guy=D *Bless him with a good GF soon!* After a fruitless 2 hr walk.. we went to catch Da Vinci Code=D Super Chim show *maybe cos I din read the book* and I dun understand alot of terms involved and I kept asking him bout them... Midway through the show, I managed to see some light and I actually quite enjoyed the show.. (I shall give it a 4-stars instead of a miserly 2-stars graded by the ST..) The pyramid is sooo damn nice!!! I must go Europe when I'm still young.. hopefully for my graduation trip..
Talking bout travelling..I noe that I'm a no-brainer.. always Blasting my paycheck on airtickets every year.. but I feel that there are some things that $ cant buy.. My mum always says" why are u always so eager to travel ard? U nvr seem to spare a tot for me.. always making me worry.. if u wanna travel u can always do so when u r working or when u r married........) BUT I feel that it's a totally diff feeling travelling @ my age now and travelling in my thirties, forties, retirement age... The choice of destinations, modes of transport, choice of places to stay, choice of travelling khakis will result in a different type of travelling experience.. I dun foresee myself being interested in backpacking and staying in motels when I'm in my forties... AGREE??? and I wanna live my life to the fullest whilst I'm still young and healthy cos Life is sooo unpredictable=D

*JiN* slept soundly at 9:42 PM

What Else do you wanna Know?

~*JiN*~/XiaoBai (La Bi XiaoXin's Dog)
Scatter Brain/ Sweet Toother/ Blur Cock/ Money Spender (I'll make the worst Financial Consultant)/ VainPot but a LAZY ONE=)/*a TYPICAL VIRGROAN*
Sch Of Business - NO MORE
ENJOYS laughing hysterically (gd ABS trainer!)/LOVEs SNACKING/LOVES CLOTHES/ LOVES Travelling
Likes: mE, Me aNd MySeLf.. My Little Boy=) My Family and GirlFriends=)


my FIRST Friday Fives
shopping session=D
Monday Again...
My loot Today=D
My Day so faarr...
Slacked at work
*I Miss You*
Mother's Day Part 2
Mother's Day Part 1


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